Wednesday, December 3, 2008



I completely forgot to mention in letter #3 that the Christmas decorations and tree were switched on Saturday last.

The town square (Garfield Square - named after the president not the cat!) is a lovely sight at night now and the centre has a crib display and a row of choirboy models who, amusingly enough, are standing right behind one of the canons which form part of the war memorial. A message perhaps? Of course the fire department trucks were also present. Americans just love their fire trucks and not without good reason I might add.

They are larger than ours and beautifully turned out. They turn out for any public occasion and sometimes parade around the City with sirens blazing. Last summer no fewer than 25 came by the house! Of course they put out fires as well! I am still trying to find the American equivalent to “Hugh, Pugh, Barney McGrew, Cuthbert, Dibble and Grubb” (The Trumpton fire crew for those not familiar) but I guess things are perhaps taken more seriously here.

Peace and love


Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Well November has been and gone, we have had the elections and Thanksgiving. The result of the election was as I had predicted last year, and so far I am impressed with the manner that Obama is setting things up. I also notice a strained expression on his face that wasn’t there during the campaign - why anyone wants the job escapes me!

Thanksgiving was a re-run of two years ago but unfortunately our Sister-in-law, Jeanne, went down with a bout of forty eight hour ‘flu which is doing the rounds at the moment, and couldn’t be with us. Later in the week the rest of the family also got it including the Texas branch who are flying back tomorrow (Wednesday). A new slogan -”Visit the beautiful state of Pennsylvania and get your free ‘flu!” seems appropriate!

Petrol prices are now well down around $1.95, so nothing to complain about there - a definite “benefit” of being in recession!! I mentioned in my earlier Thanksgiving report “Black Friday” the start of the Christmas shopping season. This year some shops opened as early as four am with lots of bargains available until one pm. Evidently all the trolleys were in use at our local Wal-Mart and the queues were thirty long at the checkouts. (We were asleep while this was going on of course).

Winter is now fully entrenched of course, we have had a few snowy days but nothing to cause serious disruption, today it is quite pleasant at around the mid to upper forties.

Joanie has recovered sufficiently from her fall to get the porch decorated - we now have a waving Santa and snowman lit up at night together with sundry streamers, lights etc. etc. I think the tree will arrive next week sometime and we will get the utter chaos of the living room sorted.

Well, that’s about it for this month. I wish all my Readers everywhere the merriest of merry Christmases and hope that 2009 will be a success for each and everyone of you.

Until next time,

Peace and love,
